First off most people are plain dumb & act on emotion not logic. Remove your emotion & go by logic.
Stories are cute...but lets make sure they're true?
It reminds me of when all of twitter somehow thought Sandra Bland was dead in her mugshot despite the fact her family talked to her days after she took the's like logic is lost on some people?
People now think Shaun King Dad is black cos...? What he said so? He is a proven repeated liar...
This one is especially cool for me, because I see how slick this Shaun King guy is, he has wormed his way out of a deep hole & somehow come out with people feeling sorry for him! Pretty impressive.
Let me tell you 100% the truth.Shaun King reminds me of this crazy girl I dated for 3 years, she was very sociable, intelligent & hid some major lies from everyone about her life by using the same type of tactics Shaun has, and like Shaun his history is littered with inconsistencies and lies.
My personal experience with such a clever sinister FUCKED UP liar helps me understand this guy & spot each lie he has made(he has made a lot)
First off the idea he looks black is bullshit. I thought he was white the first time I saw him.
But let me clear up his lies.
Lets start off with the 'hate crime' that he goes on about...QUITE A LOT. He seems very keen to let people know he had 3 major spinal surgeries due to this incident. But it doesn't make sense.
First of all why does he keep changing the story? Let me give you some examples...
On the 18th of July 2013 he said the assault which he refers to AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN....made him miss 18 months of high school. One year and a half EXACTLY...
But then....If we go back to November 8 2011 he says over a year..
Ok 18 months is over a year I guess it's somewhat consistent, although why not say 18 months or a year & a half? Why the odd change in phrasing? Anyway....There's more...
Now if we go back further to February 9th 2010, he says he missed 2 years!
Why does his story keep changing??????
Over a year?
18 months?
2 years?
Anymore? Yep....
Now he says 20 months!!! What the fuck is with this guy and his changing timeframes for the SAME incident?
And why does he keep bringing it up randomly on twitter without anybody even asking him?Now such inconsistencies either result in a bad memory or somebody lying.....
Now check how many times he randomly brings this same incident up...
That's just a taste(I believe there's even more) but he brings up this incident a fucking lot. Which seems kinda odd to me, it seems like it's something he really wants people to know about, yet he kept saying slightly different times from one year to two years...and his version of the incident appears to be conflicted with other people...Also he went from 3 to 4 to 3 spinal surgeries
^ It's odd? But we can say maybe that was a typo? But it does seem to match the fact his stories always change all over the place.
Shaun King's activism is a lot like his background. Full of lies & propaganda essentially.
His father is the guy on the birth certificate.
Here's the questions..
Why did that man agree to be on the birth certificate?
Why does he look like him?Why as a child did he look extremely white?
Why does he continually take black & white pics?
Lets look at the evidence....
In all these pictures, it is clearly a white boy...
So lets compare his face to his fathers face...
Are you kidding me? That's not his Dad? Come on lets get real...
So Shaun is a proven liar, he lies everyday basically when you look at any of his tweets from any of these public stories, from Trayvon to Sandra Bland he is always saying something that is really not true & when it gets proven not true, he blames white supremacy for covering it up or jumps on to something else, he never stops & says I was wrong, NEVER.
This is very similar to this girl I knew. At no point did she ever admit lying despite the fact her whole background was a lie. Even when I found out, she still just avoided it or tried to make it other people's fault & tried to run away from the whole mess.
Similar to how Shaun tried to ignore it, block it & then came up with some sob story explanations that are simply lies once more.
First he had his girlfriend say it was some painful beautiful story?
Then he claims now his mother had an affair but he knew but didn't know..he never asked he just assumed? I mean WTF, what happened to this painful beautiful story?
I think he has been lying to his wife their whole relationship so she probably believes he's biracial & his father is black, even though that's not true.
His mother? Hmm, I think she wont want to destroy her son, but she probably knows he had issues from the bullying & he lies a lot.
Some of his family members have already told CNN he is white. That's the funny thing.
1. He lies about serious incidents because he wants to be somebody, he wants attention, he needs a cause. He doesn't like the police, he has mental scars.
2. He is fucking CRAZY(Needs therapy, this is serious)
3. He constantly race baits, as a white guy who's passing off as black & who has used the word 'nigger' a lot for him to race bait & often create big storms out of little incidents just for some buzz is really poor.
4. He has accused MULTIPLE black men...(I will give you two examples quickly) of 'Not being black enough' Even though they are actually black and he is not...
He genuinely insults actual black people for not being 'black' enough
5. He always seems to be making 'causes' or 'projects' which involve other people donating money to him for something & then some of it goes unaccounted for.
He has raised A LOT of money. For uniforms, for Haiti kids, for this & that & this & that, a lot of stuff. Seemingly good causes, however it's sketchy, As I was writing this I came across a page as I was studying an incident to see what he said & the comments were calling him a con artist & this is from 2014,...
And also he broke away from being a pastor when they didn't really appreciate his racial agenda....Which he has had for sometime.
So you should not feel sorry for a liar, a fraud, a con artist & what is now someone who encourages race baiting & actively finds way to make money out of tragic circumstances while appearing to be the good guy fighting the 'good fight'
Similar to how he claims all his history has been covered up by the police, why is there never any evidence for his claims? It's always just his word or the word of a friend. There's never real evidence.
Prove you had 3 spinal surgeries in 1995-1996 DUE to this assault?
Financially prove you're legit & haven't scammed any money through donations?
Prove that man is not your father?
But he will not do any of this. He never would. I am sure he never intended to release this story about his mother, I do not know if it is true, I highly doubt it, I believe he has begged his mother to let him say that to save his ass.
He has clearly got his friends to say exactly what he wants...let me show you how...On FB some rapper dude, wrote this...
See this is essentially Shaun's writing.. He has penned this himself & this guy is happy to be that 'friend' backing him up, when reality is he's backing himself up.
All the wording about pain, bloody pump etc it's all stuff Shaun himself has explicitly said in those EXACT words.
Last thing, Shaun also linked to a past blog he made where someone 'apologized' to him after 12 years for being racist to him in school. Now I suspected when I read this it'd be all about Shaun, it's be a shortish apology & then him embracing it for awhile. And it was. This was a message to himself. This was a guy self congratulating himself, there was no apology & the whole thing doesn't even make sense.
Let me show you here...
A lot of things don't add up in this story. The main thing is that someone would be that damaged that 12 years later they'd make such an apology about saying a racist word? Are you kidding me?
This is clearly instigated by Shaun himself to validate himself. To say look I was the victim of racial abuse.
If you didn't think someone would remember, you wouldn't bother to remind them or to even bother with it. This is Shaun's writing, it is his style, it's his emotional needy ways. It's his way of saying look I got racially abused, I am the victim, but I forgave the guy & I showed what a great person I am in how I responded.
He also insults black people if he doesn't consider them black enough, he also wanted to bring racial division to a church? He also blames every damn thing on white supremacy, if ever someone catches him out on a lie...oh it's white supremacists or whatever. He is shady as fuck.
This is not a kind hearted person, this is a guy scarred from childhood bullying & seemingly some daddy issues. He is WHITE, his family said he is white, he looks like a white kid, yet he is running around saying nigger, & us & acting like he's some ultra black figure when he's simply overcompensating.
But here's just proof the man is fucking crazy...
I've seen this dude piggyback on any cause he can. He's got the most feedback & buzz through racial causes plus he has historical hatred of the police & it all really adds up here.
I think blacks especially the dumbasses on the blacklivesmatter stuff should listen to the koolaid video.
This charismatic guy got hundreds of people to drink to their death in their movement, mostly blacks....
Every black person today she listen to this. The woman who speaks up..that's the sensible people...the people who shout her down that's the blacklivesmatter people. They all die. They drink poison & willingly die.
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